Summer In the City

Come see where The City moved Tony Bennet’s Heart.

Hot time? Not so much unless it is October.

Summer in San Francisco means dahlias in bloom, street fairs, Off The Grid, Sundown Cinema, Stern Grove concerts, Carnaval. Bay to Breakers, Pride, OutsideLands, and of course tours by FOOT!.

Natives are welcome of course if for no other reason than to show visitors that layers are the answer to how we dress year round. While we don’t offer unsolicited fashion advise we will be able to tell that you have never been here before when we see you standing at the cable car turnaround in a pair of shorts and a brand new SF polar fleece jacket you just bought because you had no idea that it would be windy, foggy and cool.

FOOT! can provide you an overview tour or focus on a neighborhood to give you a up close and personal look at one place you think you know or want to know better.

If you don’t see a tour listed on our schedule call us to request one. We are happy to set one up at a time that works for you. 415 793 5378.

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